Feel free to call us if you feel like attending one of our shows. We would love to meet you there. Go to 'contact/newsletter' in the menu.
15-9: Leticia op marimba (solo) opent Slagwerkjubileum-borrel om 16:30 (voor genodigden) en feest (openbaar) om 19:30.
17-9: 5-teto Leticia y su Rumbadama op Bussum Cultureel. 17:00-18:00
5-teto Leticia y su Rumbadama Naarden Vesting. 20:00 Private party. Admission on request
4-teto Leticia y su Rumbadama. Fruitcorso Tiel.11:00-15:00
22-9: Leticia solo verpleegtehuis Amsterdam. Daytime
25-9: Las Veteranas bij de CPC-loop in Den Haag. Daytime
2-10: Las Veteranas . Parcours Singelloop Utrecht. 13:00-16:00
14-10: Trio Las Veteranas featuring bassiste Regien Gorter verpleegtehuis
Nieuw Vredenburg, Amsterdam
...Daytime. Admission on request
11-12: Duo Guarachando: Scheveningen Light Walk. Evening
4-2: Leticia te gast bij het Tarogato-ensemble in Theater de Omval, Dieman. 16:00-18:00
31-3: Hage aan Zee.
5-teto Leticia y su Rumbadama. Private party. Admission on request
4-teto Leticia y su Rumbadama, summer 2017
4-teto Leticia y su Rumbadama, summer 2017